मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान) Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Management Studies
Head of Department
Dr. Deepak Verma
Associate Professor Ph.D.(Management),MBA(Information Systems, Marketing),BBA(Management) Research Interests : Behavior in Online / Digital Environments , Issues in IT / IS adoption, Statistical Decision-making, Business Analytics , Marketing Analytics, Survey Research Methods. dverma.dms@mnit.ac.in 01412713399 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile Personal Website
Prof. Monica Sharma
Professor Ph.D.(Industrial Engineering),MBA(Production & Operations Mgmt.),B.E.(Mechanical) Research Interests : Industrial Engineering, Lean manufacturing, Operations Management, Total Quality Management, Manufacturing Excellence, Sustainable Manufacturing, Supply Chain Management, Entrepreneurship. msharma.dms@mnit.ac.in 01412713212 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile ResearchGate Profile
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Human Resource Management),MBA(HRM and Marketing),B.Sc.(Biology) Research Interests : HRM, Quality of Work Life, Change Management, Occupational stress & Well-Being, Organizational Development, Work life Balance, Green HumanResource Management, Talent Management. reeta.dms@mnit.ac.in 01412713281 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Industrial & Systems Engineering),M. Tech.(Industrial Engineering & Management),B .Tech.(Industrial Engineering) Research Interests : Bayesian Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Causality Modeling, Operations Research, (Mixed) Integer Programming, Evolutionary Optimization. sandipan.dms@mnit.ac.in 01411000000 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Dr. Shridev Devji
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Banking and Finance),MBA(Finance ),M.Com.(Human Resource ),BBM(Finance),CAIIB(Banking) Research Interests : Financial and non financial disclosures, Management of Banks and Financial Institutions, Monetary and Financial sector, Cost Management, Financial Distress. shridev.dms@mnit.ac.in View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Dr. Shweta Sharma
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Finance),MBA(Finance),M.A.(Economics),B.A.(Economics (Hons.)) Research Interests : Corporate Finance, Risk Management, Financial Markets, Performance management, Project Management, Financial Institutions, Economics and Management, Sustainable Finance. shweta.dms@mnit.ac.in View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile
Dr. Sundeep Kumar
Assistant Professor Ph.D.(Marketing Management and Social Science),MBA(Major in Marketing Management and Minor in Information Technology),B.E.(Information Technology),Sr. Secondary(Science and Mathematics),Secondary(All Subject) Research Interests : Marketing Management, Social Science, Human Resource Management, Information Technology, Organization Behavior, Industrial Management, Sustainable development, Supply Chain Management, General Management, Self leadership, Positive Psychology, Employee adaptability, work engagement, and extra-role behaviors, Organizational compassion,, Management Education for Sustainable Development, Qualitative Research, Risk Management, Strategic Management. sundeep.dms@mnit.ac.in 01412713490 View Detailed Profile Google Scholar Profile ResearchGate Profile BibBase Profile Personal Website Biosketch
2023rbm9520 B.com, M.com , UGC NET JRF Research Interests :Examining/ Exploring diversity equity inclusion (DEI) and diversity management practices in Indian organizations Supervisors :Dr. Reeta Singh 2023rbm9520@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Kratika Sharma
2023RBM9519 B.Tech, M.Tech in Food Technology, UGC NET Research Interests :Food Processing, Sustainability Supervisors :Dr. Ritika Mahajan 2023rbm9519@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Kshipra Pareek
2022RBM9524 M.B.A. (Marketing area), UGC NET Research Interests :Sustainable Consumer Behaviour Supervisors :Dr. Divesh Kumar 2022RBM9524@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Saroj A S
2022RBM9522 BA English Literature, MBA, UGC - JRF Research Interests :Sustainable Consumption Behaviour Supervisors :Dr. Divesh Kumar 2022RBM9522@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Tapas Gupta
2022RBM9521 M.com, UGC NET Research Interests :Finance Supervisors :Dr. Shridev Devji 2022rbm9521@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Rifa Nadeem
2021RBM9541 B.COM, MBA , (UGC NET) Research Interests :Green Human Resource Management Supervisors :Dr. Reeta Singh 2021RBM9541@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Neha Anchliya
2021RBM9540 B.COM (Hons.), M.COM, UGC-NET(JRF) Research Interests :Entrepreneurship Development, Women Entrepreneurship Supervisors :Dr. Monica Sharma 2021rbm9540@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Bhanupriya Choyal
2021RBM9539 B.E. (Agril. Engineering), M.B.A. (International Agribusiness), UGC-NET Research Interests :Agricultural Derivatives Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar 2021RBM9539@mnit.ac.in
2020rbm9566 B.com, MBA(HR &Finance), UGC-NET Research Interests :Organisation Behaviour, Data Analytics, Organisation Agility Supervisors :Dr. Aakanksha Kataria 2020rbm9566@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Kashish Sharma
2020RBM9565 B.com, M.com, Chartered Accountant (Final), Company Secretary (Professional), UGC-NET Research Interests :Finance, Corporate Governance Supervisors :Dr. Shridev Devji 2020rbm9565@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Rohan Mathur
2020RBM9047 B.Com, MBA (finance), Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers (JAIIB), Certified Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers (CAIIB) Research Interests :Financial Institutions, Technology Adoption Supervisors :Dr. Shweta Sharma 2020rbm9047@mnit.ac.in
2020RBM9044 B.Com, MBA (Finance) Research Interests :Corporate Governance, Information Asymmetry and Capital Markets Supervisors :Dr. Shridev /Dr. Krishna Prasad (TAPMI Manipal) 2020RBM9044@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Pragati Sinha
2020rbm9043 B.A(Hons), PGDM(Apparel Marketing & Product Management), MBA(Marketing) Research Interests :Emerging technology in strengthening supply chain for promoting
sustainable business models in India Supervisors :Dr. Monica Sharma 2020rbm9043@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Aman Mathan
2019RBM9501 MBA, UGC NET Research Interests :Consumer Behavior in Online Environments, Technology Adoption, Marketing Supervisors :Dr. Deepak Verma/ Dr. Divesh Kumar 2019RBM9501@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Deepika Sharma
2019RBM9125 B.Tech. (Computer Science), MBA (Finance, HR) Research Interests :Enablers and Barriers of Research Productivity among Indian Academia. Supervisors :Dr. Divesh Kumar, Dr. Ritika Mahajan 2019rbm9125@mnit.ac.in
Mr. Akshay Patidar
2019RBM9059 B.Tech (Instrumentation and Control Engineering),MBA (Operations Management),UGC-NET Research Interests :Resilient supply chain, Sustainable Supply Chain, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Supply Chain Analytics and Industry 4.0. Supervisors :Dr. Monica Sharma, Dr. Rajiv Agrawal, Prof. K.S. Sangwan (Bits Pilani) 2019RBM9059@mnit.ac.in
PhD Awarded
Ms. Rakhi Singh
2019RBM9137 MBA,UGC-NET(JRF) Thesis Title :Impact of high performance work practices on employee engagement in generation Y – A study on Indian hospitality Sector Supervisors :Dr. Priyanka Sihag Year of Award :2024 2019rbm9137@mnit.ac.in
Ms. Riya Sureka
2018RBM9502 M.Com, MBA, UGC-NET(JRF) Thesis Title :Owner Characteristics and Capital Budgeting Practices Among SMEs in India Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar Year of Award :2023 2018rbm9502@mnit.ac.in 1234567890
Ms. Aastha Dhoopar
2019RBM9053 B.Com , M. Com, UGC-NET(JRF) Thesis Title :High Performance Work Systems and Employee Outcomes: A study on Indian IT Industry Supervisors :Dr. Priyanka Sihag Year of Award :2023 2019rbm9053@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Jaspreet Kaur
2019RBM9076 B.Tech (IT) & MBA (Finance) Thesis Title :Supply Chain Finance Practices in Indian Firms Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar, Prof. APS Rathore Year of Award :2023 2019RBM9076@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Kumari Rashmi
2017RBM9035 MBA and UGC NET-HR Thesis Title :A Study on Work-Life Balance among Indian Nursing Professionals Supervisors :Dr. Reeta Singh Year of Award :2022 2017rbm9035@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Kirti Goyal
2019RBM9185 B.COM (Hons.), M.COM, UGC-NET(JRF) Thesis Title :Personal Financial Mangement Behavior of Young Professionals in India Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar, Dr. Sisira Colombage Year of Award :2022 2019RBM9185@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Varsha Sharma
2016RBM9005 MBA (HR & IT), B.E. (ECE) Thesis Title :An Assessment of Performance Appraisal of Academic Staff in Higher Education Supervisors :Dr. Reeta Singh Year of Award :2022 2016RBM9005@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Nitesh Pandey
2018rbm9016 B.Tech. (Computer Science), M.B.A. (Finance) Thesis Title :Board Diversity and Firm Performance A Study in Contextual Variable Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar Year of Award :2022 nitesh.pandey0702@gmail.com
Dr. Monika Agrawal
2017RBM9013 B.Tech ( E&T), MBA, UGC- NET Thesis Title :“Antecedents and outcomes of work-family experiences: A case study of Rajasthan police personnel” Supervisors :Dr. Ritika Mahajan Year of Award :2021 2017rbm9013@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Sneha Pandey
2017RBM9003 B.Com (Hons.), M.Com, MBA (Marketing) UGC NET(Commerce) Thesis Title :Customer-to-customer value co-creation through customer engagement in tourism industry Supervisors :Dr. Divesh Kumar Year of Award :2021 pandey.sneha1994@gmail.com
Dr. Debidutta Pattnaik
2018RBM9086 B.Sc(Geology), MBA, MIFA, UGC-NET, CFA(ICFAI) Thesis Title :Trade Credit in Indian Companies Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar Year of Award :2021 2018rbm9086@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Ramji Nagariya
2018rbm9102 B.E., M.Tech (Industrial Management) Thesis Title :Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Service Supply Chain of Hospitals Supervisors :Dr. Divesh Kumar Year of Award :2021 ramnagariya84@gmail.com
Dr. Payal R. Phulwani
2018RBM9018 B.Sc. (Biochemistry), M.B.A. (Marketing), UGC-NET, June-2012 Thesis Title :Consumer Disposal Behavior Towards Personal Communication Devices in India Supervisors :Dr. Divesh Kumar Year of Award :2021 2018rbm9018@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Anil Kumar Agrawal
2012RBM9537 B.E. (Electronics & Communications), M.Tech. (Computer Science & Technology) Thesis Title :Mobile Number Portability: An Empirical Investigation of Switching Intentions In Rajasthan Supervisors :Dr Monica Sharma and Dr. P K Mehrotra Year of Award :2020 ak.agrawal75@gov.in
Dr. Bharti Ramtiyal
2018RBM9003 AMIE (Aircraft Maintenance Engineering), B.Com, M.B.A. (Marketing) Thesis Title :Risk Perception in Mobile Payment Adoption Among Small Vendors in Unorganized Retail Supervisors :Dr. Deepak Verma and Prof. A.P.S Rathore Year of Award :2020 2018RBM9003@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Umesh Kumar Chaturvedi
2014rbm9016 MBA Thesis Title :Sustainability Trends and Practices In Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Supervisors :Dr. Monica Sharma, Prof. G.S.Dangayach and Dr. Prabir Sarkar Year of Award :2020 uc_veedi@rediffmail.com
Dr. Sweta Tomar
2014rbm9013 M.B.A , B.D.S Thesis Title :Retirement Planning among Working Women Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar and Dr. Deepak Verma Year of Award :2020 omar.sweta@gmail.com
Dr. Riju Jakhar
2017RBM9048 Masters in Fashion Technology ( NIFT ) Thesis Title :Online Visual Merchandising - Influence of Product Presentation on Customer Engagement and Purchase Intention Supervisors :Dr. Deepak Verma and Prof. A.P.S. Rathore Year of Award :2020 2017rbm9048@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Mohit Kant Kaushik
2016RBM9046 M.Phil. (Marketing), MBA (Marketing), B.E. (Electronics and communication) Thesis Title :Influence of Student Readiness on Adoption of Digital Learning in Higher Technical Education Supervisors :Dr. Deepak Verma Year of Award :2020 2016rbm9046@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Hansini Premi
2014rbm9019 BBA, MBA (Marketing) Thesis Title :An Empirical Investigation of Green Buying Behaviour and Development of Marketing Strategies for Green Products Supervisors :Dr. Monica Sharma/Dr. G. S. Dangayach Year of Award :2020 Hansini.28@gmail.com
Dr. Sundeep Kumar
2013rbm9512 MMS ( MNIT Jaipur) Thesis Title :Socio-Economic Impact of Skill Development Training in Large Scale Public Welfare Schemes for Enhancing Employability: An Empirical investigation Supervisors :Dr. Monica Sharma and Prof. Awadhesh Kumar Bhardwaj Year of Award :2019 Sundeep.mnit@ymail.com
Dr. Punyasloka Pattnaik
2016RBM9047 Thesis Title :Assessment and optimization of textile wastewater management for environmental sustainability in India Supervisors :Prof. G.S. Dangayach and Prof. Awadhesh Kumar Bhardwaj Year of Award :2019 punyasloka2010@gmail.com
Dr. Mayanka Singh Chhonker
2013rbm9544 MBA (Retail and Eco Tourism) Thesis Title :Mobile-App Adoption in Tourism and Hospitality: Understanding Influence of Customer Typology based on Uses, Gratification and Risk Perception Supervisors :Dr. Deepak Verma and Dr. Arpan Kumar Kar Year of Award :2019 mayankachhonker7@gmail.com
Dr. Chandni Khandelwal
2017RBM9056 B.Tech , MBA Thesis Title :Risk Reporting of Indian Firms Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar , Dr. Deepak Verma Year of Award :2017 2017rbm9056@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Shradha Gupta
2012rbm9534 B.E., PGDHRM, MMS Thesis Title :Empirical Investigation of Lean Management in Indian Service Industry Supervisors :Dr. Monica Sharma Year of Award :2017 gupta.shradha29@gmail.com
Dr. Purnima Rao
2012rbm9536 B.Sc. B.Ed. , MBA (Finance), NET-JRF Thesis Title :Financing Preferences and Determinants of Capital Structure -A Study on Small and Medium Enterprises Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar and Dr. Vinodh Madhavan Year of Award :2017 dr.purnima.mail@gmail.com
Dr. Nisha Goyal
2013rbm9009 MBA, JRF (UGC) Thesis Title :Financial Literacy and Behavioural Biases- a Study of Indian Investors Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar , Prof. A. P. S. Rathore Year of Award :2017 goyalnisha20@gmail.com
Dr. Harsh Pratap Singh
2012rbm9535 MBA (Finance), UGC-NET-JRF Thesis Title :Working Capital Management Practices: A Study of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar and Prof. Awadhesh Bhardwaj Year of Award :2017 harshpratap2@gmail.com
Dr. Monika Sheoran
2016RBM9528 BA(HR-Marketing), B.Tech(Computer Science Engineering) Thesis Title :Scale Development and Modelling of Sustainable Consumer Behaviour in Indian Electronics Industry Supervisors :Dr. Divesh Kumar and Dr. Reeta Singh Year of Award :2017 2016rbm9528@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Manisha Choudhary
2010rbm202 MBA Thesis Title :An Empirical Analysis of Relationship Between Employees Competencies and Quality of Work Life Supervisors :Dr. Dipti Sharma Year of Award :2015 Choudhary.manisha@vgu.ac.in
Dr. Khushboo Jain
2008RBM102 Thesis Title :An Analytical Study of the Human Resource Development Climate in a Rural Health Mission: A Case Study on the National Rural Health Mission, Rajasthan. Supervisors :Dr. Satish Kumar Year of Award :2015 2008RBM@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Sanjay Rajpal
2006RBM877 Ph.D., M.C.A., B.Sc. (PCM) Thesis Title :Study and Modeling of E-Learning for Technical Education in Indian Perspective Supervisors :Prof Awadhesh Bhardwaj Year of Award :2014 srajpal@mnit.ac.in
Dr. Deepika Joshi
Ph.D. /M.B.A. /B. Sc. Thesis Title :Determinants of competitiveness in auto component industry: A study of Indian auto component manufacturers Supervisors :Prof. A.P.S Rathore/ Dr. Dipti Sharma Year of Award :2012 joshi.deepikaa@gmail.com